Legal Terms and Conditions for Purchase and Use
You represent, warrant, and confirm all of the following:
You are 18 years old or older / You are not a felon / You are not under indictment for any felony / You are not disqualified from purchasing, possessing or using items sold by Deadly Threat, Inc. / You are legally allowed to possess and use these items in your respective state, province or territory / You are not purchasing these items for criminal intent or purposes / You will not commit crime with or use Deadly Threat, Inc products for unlawful purposes / You support law enforcement and do not support defunding the police / Items purchased are for your use only and you are not making a purchase on behalf of someone else in order to avoid the terms and conditions herein / You fully understand that body armor in any capacity is not guaranteed to be bulletproof and is only bullet resistant / You are solely responsible to comply with all local, state and federal laws regarding the purchase and use of all Deadly Threat, Inc. products further agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions herein / You understand that bullet proof is a relative term and there is never a guarantee of any kind or nature that indicates rounds will not penetrate any level of armor regardless of threat protection or manufacturer / You can be struck and injured or even killed while wearing body armor including ricochets / You understand that anytime a firearm or bullets are used there is a chance of injury or death and you assume this knowingly taking on this risk of your own accord / You assume all the risk while using or misusing, whether for its’ intended purposes or not, any and all products sold by Deadly Threat, Inc. / You will never perform testing of any kind or nature on any of Deadly Threat, Inc Armor either by free standing it or while wearing it yourself or having someone else wear it / We do not accept nor promote productions of any kind without our written permission / You will not demonstrate irresponsible behavior as described herein / You are solely, legally and criminally liable for your actions while using or promoting Deadly Threat, Inc. products / You and anyone who comes in contact with our products must agree entirely for yourselves, your families, your agents, your heirs and your associates of any kind or nature to fully release, indemnify, hold harmless, never bring action in a court of law, and defend against any liability resulting from your purchase, possession and use of any and all Deadly Threat, Inc products / Violations and not following any of these terms and conditions herein may result in severe legal consequences, financial burdens, and incarcerations / This is not the entirety of your responsibility / You are a US citizen / Deadly Threat, Inc. will cooperate with criminal investigations by law enforcement on all levels and at all times / These terms and conditions are prominently displayed on all avenues for purchase including websites, storefronts, trade shows, gun shows and you acknowledge adequate access to the same / These terms and conditions are subject to revision without notification / No warranty is unlimited and is 100% at the sole discretion of Deadly Threat / Warranty is not offered for usage in connection with criminal activity, riot scenarios, combat type events, war-time prevelance or use of products for purposes they are not intended for / Connecticut residents may not purchase Deadly Threat, Inc. body armor except in person / Only Law Enforcement in NYS may purchase or possess body armor / Deadly Threat, Inc. sells only in the USA, and we are not exporters of any kind or nature / You agree that you are buying our products solely for USA use / All sales are final. No refunds. No cancellations / These terms and conditions are subject to change without notice and may even be upgraded without written expression